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Stop Doing What You Hate

Oct 29, 2020

Highlights from this episode include:

  • Why 98% of college students surveyed are piling up debt for no reason and how to prevent your children from making the same mistake (8:21)
  • How to match your dream job with the school that will get you there (15:04)
  • Why community college is the best place to start for many students...

Oct 22, 2020

Highlights from this episode include:

  • 2 types of diversification and how not understanding them can kill your portfolio (2:29)
  • Why holding lots of mutual funds in a retirement account makes it impossible to track your results (5:43)
  • How to diversify your portfolio by holding fewer assets (10:47)
  • The “sector...

Oct 15, 2020

Highlights from this episode include:

  • The surprising truth about the president’s impact on the economy (1:30)
  • Why you have more power over the market than any politician (2:00)
  • The “Bucket” method for protecting your portfolio during election-induced market volatility (17:59)
  • How to capitalize on great...

Oct 8, 2020

Highlights from this episode include:

  • The first concept you need to grasp before you attempt to build a financial network or you’ll lose everything (4:40)
  • How to use asset integration to stop “retirement tug-of-war” from draining your bank account (9:35)
  • Two surprisingly counterproductive ways to use a cash...

Oct 1, 2020

Highlights from this episode include:

  • Why separate bank accounts can destroy financial peace in a marriage (7:41)
  • How to cope when one spouse has irresponsible spending habits (11:29)
  • What your skepticism about financial concepts says about you (and prevents your accounts from growing) (12:42)
  • The surprising way your...