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Stop Doing What You Hate

Aug 26, 2021

Show highlights include:

  • The "Wealth Creation Participation" model that increases your personal wealth (3:59)
  • Why having a savings account devastates your financial portfolio (5:34)
  • Why life insurance pays better dividends than your stock portfolio (6:16)
  • Why studying the stock market ruins your individual stock...

Aug 19, 2021

Show highlights include:

  • The "Fiduciary Approach" that puts your "financial planning pyramid" into motion (5:05)
  • Why watching CNN destroys your financial portfolio (8:58)
  • How taking advice from your mom ruins your bank account (9:18)
  • How navigating through a market crash grows your personal wealth (11:29)
  • Why a low...

Aug 12, 2021

Show highlights include:

  • Why winning at anything takes years of practice (and how you get your championship at life) (0:47)
  • How watching "The Flash" drains your bank account (2:12)
  • The weird way journaling transforms your relationship with money and wealth-building (3:21)
  • Why ordering steak and lobster on date night...

Aug 5, 2021

Show highlights include:

  • How starting an accountability program attracts money to you (10:42)
  • The "Lifestyle Level" way that increases your ability to manage more money (11:22)
  • Why having a positive mindset about money increases your personal wealth (14:09)
  • How programming your mind like a computer operating...