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Stop Doing What You Hate

Apr 7, 2022

Show highlights include:

  • The "That's When It's Time To Fly The Plane" method that lets you take a few days off during a rough market stretch (0:31)
  • Why owning Tesla stock hinders your retirement (and how you can change that today) (4:54)
  • The "401K Exit Strategy" that fills your wallet (even if you are still working) (5:11)
  • How paying the early withdrawal penalty skyrockets your portfolio (7:15)

Ready to stop doing what you hate? Go to  and schedule your free 20 minute Rapid Retire Assessment!

You will know on a scale of 1-10 your Rapid Retire Financial Fitness! After the assessment you'll receive a free copy of my book Paying for College in the 21st Century!